Agriculture Training Institute Uyole-Mbeya
Agriculture Training Institute Uyole, Mbeya, REG/ANE/005, Government institution with full registration, Mbeya, Full.MATI Uyole is located at longitude 330 22’E and latitude 8055’S.It is about 8 Km east of Mbeya along the Tanzania Zambia highway. At an elevation of 1798 the Institute enjoys a cool climate for most part of the year. Temperature falls as low as-7°C June and July. The average annual rainfall is around 965mm. The rain season extends from November to May. Soils are volcanic in origin with a pH of 6.5.The history of MATI Uyole dates back to 1968 when the Tanzania government decided to establish an Agriculture Training and Research joint project with the government of Nordic Countries~ An agreement was reached in 1970s, when construction works~ begin. Training activities commenced in January 1975. The first intake of in-service students was a three-month course in Agromechanization. The first diploma and certificate students were enrolled in July 1975. In March 1976 the project became a semi—autonomous parastatal organization known as Uyole Agricultural Center. The later was reconverted
to a government institution—called MARTI Uyole in 1993.MARTI Uyole is an acronym for Ministry of Agriculture Researchand Training Institute. Departmental re-organization in Ministryleading to separation of Training and Research Institute activities have necessitated changing from MARTI to MATI.MATI Uyole is undoubtedly the most modern and largest among other sister Institutions offering agricultural training in Tanzania, with capacity of accommodating around 500 resi- dent students.
Programs Offered
Diploma in Animal Production
•Diploma in Crop Production
•Diploma in Food Production and Nutrition
•General Agriculture Diploma
•Certificate Course in Agriculture
•Certificate in Livestock Production
•Certificate Course in Crop Production (CCP)
•Certificate Course in Animal Health and Production
Short courses may be offered either in field or on—campus although courses conducted at the institute have proved to be more popular. They are of one to two weeks’ duration and are aimed at either periodically up-dating agricultural skills of field workers or training farmers in various aspects of agricul-tural and livestock production.
The course are organized in specific modules, tailored to the requirements of the target group, in specific courses such as Agroforestry, organic farming, production of various field crops, vegetables and fruit production, agricultural chemicals and the environment, biometry and plant protection. Others include dairy goat husbandry, dairy cattle husbandry, im-proved local chicken raring, and preparation of weaning food,gender issues, enterpreneurship, milk processing and training of trainers. Various donor agencies, NGO, private companies and individuals sponsor these short courses.
Admission and Applications
Students admitted for certificate are either primary school leavers with a working experience of at least five years in
agricultural related activities, having attended an agricultural course of at least one year and passed a pre-entry examina-tion or Form IV leavers with passes in science subjects e.g. biol-ogy, chemistry and or Agriculture science. Pass in English is an advantage as it is the medium for instruction.
Diploma students must either posses certificate in any agricul-tural and/or livestock-related field or must have completed advanced school education with at least a principal level pass in any science subject
The Principal
P.O. Box 2292
Tanzania, East Africa
Tel: 255-25-2510015